Modules introduction
All my modules have been made for the Twentse Modelspoorwegclub (TMC) in Enschede. Every year on the last Saturday of October they have an Open Door Day. On that day the club modules and modules of individual club members are connected to the main, fixed club layout, so that trains can run from the club layout over the modules and back.
To make sure that no hickups occur while connecting, the module group of the club agreed on certain specifications for all modules, For the wiring below the modules specific rquirements have to be met too. This to make sure that modules can be connected electrically in one way only.
The rquirements for modules are technical only; for the design and execution of the scenery one is completely free. So it is quite possible that two adjoining modules do not at all match. But trains should always be able to navigate from one module to the next.
*) The 60 cm modules were introduced at the TMC in 2023, to allow for more room for landscaping and (partial) double track layouts.
Experts will probably recognize the standard FREMO module from this drawing. FREMO requirements however are very strict; at the TMC we employ a much relaxter version.
In the mean time I have built three modules for myself (and worked on several club modules). But each year the modules change. Things are improved or embellished; and errors corrected.
The Eybergen module (see picture) is more or less ready now. But the two modules that form Etgaine will certainly change in 2024.
More on these modules can be found in the pages under the tab Modules. Please see the menu on top.